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Patrick Child, Deputy Director General, EC DG R&I and Gwennaël Joliff-Botrel, Head of Unit, R&I Investment Agendas, EC DG R&I at EC DG R&I co-hosted workshop

February 20, 2020
Brussels, Belgium
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Welcoming participants to this workshop co-hosted by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG R&I) and Mission Innovation’s Net-Zero Compatible Innovations Initiative, Patrick Child stressed the prominence of the Net-Zero Compatible Innovations Initiative for measuring potential impact of green initiatives, in particular for Mission Innovation 2.0. At the end of the workshop, Gwennaël Joliff-Botrel closed the afternoon session by summarising the challenges that were discussed and the importance of emission assessment methodologies and frameworks ensuring investments compatibility with a 1.5 degree pathway that can be applied across all areas, addressing issues that many people are looking for ways to address. Mission Innovation’s Net-Zero Compatible Innovations Initiative builds on such methodologies and seeks to create a common framework for monitoring potential impact of decisions and a compass for decision makers.